GiveWP Donor Wall Widget

To use the widget please install Give – Donation Plugin 

GiveWP Donor Wall widget is aimed to display the donors who made donations on your site.




Donors: Set the amount of donors to be displayed.

Columns: Choose the needed amount of columns. 

Show Name: Slide to YES to show the donor name.

Show Avatar: Slide to YES to show the donor avatar.

Show Total: Slide to YES to show the donation amount.

Show Time: Slide to YES to show when the donation was made.

Show Comments: Slide to YES to show comments.



Form: Here you can filter donors by form and choose the needed form to be used.

Donors: Select the donors you want to show, otherwise all will be displayed.

Only Comments: Slide to YES to display only the donors who left comments.

Anonymous: Slide to YES to display anonymous donors. 

Order By: Choose between Date and Amount parameters.

Order: Choose Descending or Ascending order.

Addition Options


Show Company Name: Slide to YES to show company name.

Show Form Title: Slide to YES to show form title.

Load More 

Hide: Slide to YES to hide the load more button.

If  you choose to choose the button you can add the needed button text and set the desired alignment.


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget