Meta Data Widget

Use the widget to add Meta Data to the Open Post template or any other place on your site.



Click the + ADD ITEM to add a field.

Group: Choose between Standard, Taxonomy and Count.

Each group allows to choose between Types of metadata.

Standard Group includes settings for Author, Date and Time.

Taxonomy Group – for Categories, Tags and Formats.

Count Group – for Comments, Likes and amount of Views.

All types allow to Enable Icon and choose it from Icon library or upload desired SVG and to add a Text before and Text after the fields.

Besides there are some specific settings:

Author type also lets you show or hide an Author Avatar and Author Link.

Date type allows you to choose a Date Format from the dropdown.

Time type allows you to choose a Time Format from the dropdown.

Like type allows you to enable a Keep Like setting so that you can choose if you want to allow your visitors to remove likes they added.

Alignment: Choose between Left, Center or Right metadata alignment.


Spacing: Set a spacing between a separator and metadata for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Type: Choose Separator’s type between Text, Symbol and Icon and set it.



Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Before & After Text Typography: Set a Typography for Before & After Text using settings from the dropdown.

Text Color: Choose a Text color from a color palette or dynamic tags.

Link Color: Choose a Link color from a color palette or dynamic tags. (for Normal and Hover modes)

Icon Color: Choose an Icon color from a color palette or dynamic tags.

Icon Size: Set the Icon size.

Icon Spacing: Set a spacing between icon and other element.

‘Text Before’ Spacing: Set a spacing between ‘Text Before’ and metadata.

‘Text After’ Spacing: Set a spacing between ‘Text After’ and metadata.


Size: Set the Avatar size.

Border Radius: Set a border radius to avatar.

Spacing: Set a spacing between avatar and other element.


Text Color: Choose a Text Color from a color palette or dynamic tags. (for Normal and Hover modes)

Background Color: Choose a Background color from a color palette or dynamic tags. (for Normal and Hover modes)

Box Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.(for Normal and Hover modes)

Text Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.


Spacing: Set desired space between separator and taxonomy for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Type: Choose Separator’s type between Text, Symbol and Icon and set it.

Taxonomy Item

Prefix: Set a prefix to taxonomy item if needed.

Border Radius: Set Border Radius to the field.

Padding: Set padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.


Icon Color: Choose an Icon Color from a color palette or dynamic tags. (for Normal, Hover and Active modes)

Link Color: Choose a Link Color from a color palette or dynamic tags. (for Normal, Hover and Active modes)

Background Color: Choose an Icon Background Color from a color palette or dynamic tags. (for Normal, Hover and Active modes)

Padding: Set paddings for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Icon Position: Choose and Icon Position between Left, Right and Top. ​

Icon Shape: Choose Square, Circle or None Icon shapes.

Border Type: Choose a Border Type from the dropdown and set it.


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget