Products Archive Widget

Use the widget to display products archives.




Product Template: Choose between Default and Custom product template. 

 Custom template allows choosing the needed Entry template that should be displayed.

Columns: Set the number of columns for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Masonry: Slide to YES to enable masonry displaying.

Sorting:  Slide to YES to enable sorting.

Show Result Count:  Slide to YES to show the amount of results. 




Type: Choose the pagination type between Pagination, Infinite scroll and Load more.

View: Choose the view between Previous/Next, Numbers and Both.

Page Range: Choose how many pages should be shown on the start and the end of pagination and to either side of current pages.

Load via AJAX: Slide to YES to enable loading via AJAX.

Scroll into view: Slide to YES to enable scroll.

Enable Icon: Slide to YES to enable the icon and set it.

Text: Add the text for Previous and Next pages.    



Add the needed Nothing found message.





Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 

Border Radius: Set an image border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Spacing: Set the spacing between image and title for desktop, tablet and mobile.


Color: Choose a title color for Normal and Hover modes.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Spacing: Set the spacing between title and other elements for desktop, tablet and mobile.


Star Color: Choose a star color for Normal and Hover modes.

Empty Star Color: Choose an empty star color for Normal and Hover modes.

Star Size:Set a star size.

Spacing: Set the spacing between stars and price for desktop, tablet and mobile.



Sale Price

Color: Choose a sale price color.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Regular Price

Color: Choose a regular price color.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.


Show button: Slide to YES to enable product button (as an example Add to cart, Select options, Read more)

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Background Type: Choose between Color and Gradient types. 

Background Color: Set a background color.

Text Color: Set a text color.

Border Color: Set a border color.

Text Decoration: Choose the desired decoration from the dropdown.

Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 



Border Radius: Set a button border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Text Padding: Set a text padding.                      

Spacing: Set the spacing between a button and other elements for desktop, tablet and mobile.

View Cart

Color: Choose a view cart color.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Product Box


Box Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown (for Normal and Hover modes).

Background Color: Choose background color from a color palette or Global colors (for Normal and Hover modes).

BorderColor: Choose a border color from a color palette or Global colors (for Normal and Hover modes).

Alignment: Choose between Left, Center and Right alignment.

Border Width: Set the desired border width. 

Border Radius: Set the needed border radius.

Padding: Set padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.  


Sale Label


Sale Label: Slider to SHOW to enable the label.

Text Color: Choose a text color from a color palette or Global colors. 

Background Color: Choose background color from a color palette or Global colors.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Border Radius: Set the needed border radius.

Width: Set the label width.

Height: Set the label height.

Position: Choose Left or Right label position.

Distance: Set the label distance.




Background Color: Choose background color from a color palette or Global colors.

Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 

Padding: Set padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.  

Border Radius: Set the needed border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Spacing: Set the spacing between header and products for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Result count

Text Color: Choose a text color from a color palette or Global colors.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.


Text Color: Choose a text color from a color palette or Global colors.

Background Color: Choose background color from a color palette or Global colors.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Padding: Set padding here.

Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 

Border Radius: Set the needed border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.           



Columns Gap: Set the columns gap for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Rows Gap: Set the rows gap for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 


Layout type: Choose between Left, Center, Right and Justified layouts.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Background Color: Choose background color from a color palette or Global colors.

Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 

Border Radius: Set the needed border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Top Gap: Set the top gap for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Padding: Set the padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.



Pagination: Numbers


Min Size: Set the pagination numbers minimum size for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Set Normal, Hover and Active modes.

Text Color: Choose a text color from a color palette or Global colors.

Background Color: Choose background color from a color palette or Global colors.

Text Decoration: Choose the needed setting from the dropdown;

Box Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown. 

Text Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.

Space Between: Set the space between numbers for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Border Type: Choose the desired Border Type from the dropdown and set it. 

Border Radius: Set the needed border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Padding: Set the padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Nothing Found Message


Color: Choose a message color from a color palette or Global colors

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.        


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget