Timetable Widget

To use the widget please install Timetable and Event Schedule Plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/mp-timetable/ 

Use the widget to add a Timetable on your site.




Title: Slide to SHOW to display event title.

Time: Slide to SHOW to display event  time.

Subtitle: Slide to SHOW to display event subtitle.

Description: Slide to SHOW to display event description.

Event Head: Slide to SHOW to display the event head.



Style: Choose between Dropdown and Tabs styles.

Items Order: Choose between Default, Title and Menu order.

Text: Add the filter text.

Columns: Choose the needed columns.

Specific Events: Choose specific events to be displayed.

Event Categories: Choose the desired event categories. 



Disable Link: Slide to YES to disable the event link.

Hours Column Visibility: Slide to YES to show the hours column. 

Hide Empty Rows:  Slide to YES to hide empty rows.

Merge Cells with Common Events: Slide to YES to merge cells with common events.

Time Frame: Choose the Hour, Half hour or Quarter hour time frame. 

Column Width: Choose between Default, Auto and Fixed column width.

Mobile Behavior: Choose the List or Table Timetable displaying on mobile.



Horizontal Alignment: Choose Left, Center or Right horizontal alignment.

Vertical Alignment: Choose Top, Middle or Bottom vertical alignment.

Background Color: Set the desired background color.

Border Color: Choose the border color.

Row Height: Set the row height.

Border Width: Set the needed border width.

Padding: Set paddings for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Event Items



Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the title color.

Background Color: Set the title background color.

Gap:Set the gap between title and other items.


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the time color.

Gap:Set the gap between time and other items.


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the subtitle color.

Gap:Set the gap between subtitle and other items.


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the description color.

Gap:Set the gap between description and other items.

Table Head


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the table head color.

Background Color: Set the desired background color.

Border Color: Choose the border color.

Border Width: Set the needed border width.

Padding: Set paddings for desktop, tablet and mobile.



Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the filter color (for Normal and Focus modes).

Background Color: Set the desired background color (for Normal and Focus modes).

Border Color: Choose the border color (for Normal and Focus modes).

Border Radius: Set Border Radius for the filter.

Border Type: Choose a dropdown item border type from the dropdown and set it. 

Gap: Set the gap between filter and table for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Width: Set the filter width for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Padding: Set paddings for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Responsive Event List


Column Title

Color: Set the title color.

Margin: Set the title margin.


Border Width: Set the event border width.

Border Gap: Set the gap between border and event.

Event Gap:Set the gap between events.

List Margin:Set the list margins.

Responsive Event Items



Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the title color.

Hover Color: Set the title hover color.


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the time color.

Gap:Set the gap between time and other items.


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the subtitle color.

Gap:Set the gap between subtitle and other items.


Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Choose the description color.

Gap:Set the gap between description and other items.



Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget