Countdown Widget

Use the widget to countdown to the event or to mark the end of something.




Type: Choose between Due Date, Dynamic and Evergreen Timer types.

Choosing the Due Date type you can set the due date and choosing the Evergreen Timer type you can set hours and minutes a particular user has to avail the offer.

Using Dynamic type you can choose between Current and Selected types.

Current type allows you to choose the date to display, i.e. whether you’d prefer to show the Start or End date of the event.

Selected type provides the possibility to choose the Dynamic tag and select entries to show. 

Show Labels: Slide to SHOW to enable labels and add the needed ones (such as days,hours,minutes,seconds)

Here you can also choose what information you’d prefer to show or hide, as an example show only days and hours but hide minutes and seconds. 

Colon Separator: Slide to SHOW to enable separator.

Actions After Expire: Choose the action that should be used after countdown expires. You can add the URL to redirect, hide countdown or show the needed message.  

Responsive View: Choose between None, Tablet and Mobile (select the resolution on which the widget will be displayed in vertical view).




Alignment: Choose between Left, Center, Right or Stretched alignment for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Container Max Width: Set the container max width for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Background Type: Choose between classic and gradient background type.

Border Color: Set the needed border color.

Space Between: Set the space between elements for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Padding: Set paddings for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Border Radius: Set the border radius here.

Border Type: Choose a border type from the dropdown and set it. 

Box Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.




Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Set the needed digits color.

Text Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.

Text Stroke: Set the text stroke width and color.


Position: Choose between top, right, bottom and left position for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Alignment: Choose between center and baseline alignment for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Color: Set the needed label color.

Gap between: Set a gap between digits and labels for widescreen, desktop, tablet and mobile.

Text Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.

Text Stroke: Set the text stroke width and color.



Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget