Product Badge Stock Widget

Use the widget to add the Stock badge.



Product Badge Stock Settings

In Stock

Show in Stock: Slide to On to show In stock.

Default Text: Add the needed ‘in stock’ text of use % instead of products’ stock amount.

Out of Stock

Text: Add the needed ‘out of stock’ text.    



Product Badge Stock Syle

Set the styles for both In Stock and Out of Stock types.

Text Color: Choose a Text Color.

Background Color: Choose a Background Color.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Type Style: Choose between Default and Custom styles.

 Default Style allows you to choose the badge Type (Line, Square, Circle,Triangle or Sloping line), set the badge Position (Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right) and set the Distance and Padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Custom Style allows you to choose the Image and set it and to set Padding and Border Radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget