Short Description Widget

The Short Description widget is used to dynamically display the current product’s short description.



Short Description General

Length: Limit short description length to a needed one. 

Full Excerpt Length: Slide to YES to show full short description text.

      Please note that this option affects only product excerpt. Excerpts generated from  content will still be limited by 250 words.

Generate From Content: Slide to YES to generate excerpt from content.

More: Add desired ‘More’ text/symbols. 

Alignment: Choose between Left, Center, Right or Justified alignment.

Drop Cap: Slide to ON to activate a Drop Cap.      

Truncate Text: Slide to YES to truncate text and choose desired amount of lines.

Columns: Set the number of columns for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Columns Gap: Set a gap between columns for desktop, tablet and mobile.



Text Color: Choose a Text Color from a color palette or dynamic tags.

Typography: Set a Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Text Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget