WPClever Smart Compare List




Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Title Color: Choose the title color.

Title Hover Color: Choose the title hover color.

Remove Link Color: Choose the remove link color.

Remove Link Hover Color: Choose the remove link hover color.

Background Color: Choose the header background color.

Items Padding: Set the padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.




Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Label Color: Choose the label color.

Text Color: Choose the text color.

Even Line Background Color: Choose the even line background color.

Odd Line Background Color: Choose the odd line background color.

Items Padding: Set the padding for desktop, tablet and mobile.



Typography: Set Typography using settings from the dropdown.

Background Type: Choose between Color and Gradient background type for Normal and Hover modes.

Background Color: Set the button background color for Normal and Hover modes.

Text Color: Set the button text color for Normal and Hover modes.

Border Color: Set the button border color for Normal and Hover modes.

Border Radius: Set a border radius for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Box Shadow: Choose desired settings from the dropdown.

Border Type: Choose the desired border type from the dropdown and set it.

Padding: Set paddings for desktop, tablet and mobile.


Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget